

Ginkgo Magazin (Ausgabe 07/08 2014):

In ‚The White Raven‘ Rave­na Wolf tells us can­did­ly and with las­ting images about her deep expe­ri­en­ces. Thril­ling to read and a won­der­ful inspi­ra­ti­on for all see­kers power and mea­ning in life.“


KUMA – spirituelle Wege für Mensch und Tier (Sommer 2014):

„My recom­men­da­ti­on for all tho­se who enjoy sharing other people’s spi­ri­tu­al path of self-dis­co­very. (…) While rea­ding you get the fee­ling of fol­lo­wing a medi­ci­ne-wheel (…) An extre­me­ly grip­ping and sen­si­ti­ve expe­ri­ence. My con­clu­si­on: A beau­ti­ful­ly writ­ten book sho­wing the author’s path to her very own source of power – moving and, at times, magi­cal.”


KGS Hamburg (4/2014):

Rave­na Wolf sha­res with us the expe­ri­ence of a sha­ma­nic jour­ney that starts very earth­ly (…) Her reso­lu­ti­on to book a seclu­ded cabin on the shores of a Fin­nish lake near the polar cir­cle is bold and unusu­al – the begin­ning of an adven­ture (…) It will lead her to a visi­on quest in the desert and to South-Ame­ri­ca, chal­len­ging her to her limits and thus giving her the chan­ce to out­grow herself.”


Spuren (CH, Sommer 2014):

This is the mul­ti­fa­ce­ted report of a very per­so­nal jour­ney (…) The book encou­ra­ges us to find our very own, spi­ri­tu­al path and trust our inner gui­d­ance bey­ond all spi­ri­tu­al aut­ho­ri­ties and main­stream stan­dards.“


Die Kunst zu Leben, Okt. – Dez. 2014”:




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