Tho­se who love Pao­lo Coelho‘s ‚Alche­mist‘, will love Rave­na Wolf‘s ‚White Raven‘, fin­ding them­sel­ves unab­le to put it asi­de. (…) This book is a gift to yours­elf and to anyo­ne who fal­ters and for whom life has lost its mea­ning.“


This book is, liter­al­ly speaking, dream-like. It seems to be sci­ence-fic­tion, but you rea­li­ze, every page you read, that this is true expe­ri­ence.“


It all begins so lonely and with­drawn. Uncom­pro­mi­sin­gly Rave­na Wolf wri­tes about her pain. To be for­sa­ken, empty and dis­car­ded. Then, uncal­led for, the jour­ney begins. It is a jour­ney inwards, a wolf, a lake wit­hin a lake… Some­thing awakes, never to lea­ve again, neit­her the aut­hor, nor us.“


In times when so much is pos­si­ble, and so litt­le com­pre­hen­si­ble, this ‚tra­ve­lo­gue‘ by Rave­na Wolf appears like a light, that starts out with a twink­le and grows to a shi­ne. (…) Whe­ther you call it sha­ma­nism, reli­gi­on or spi­ri­tua­li­ty, it is fur­ther­most one thing: The per­cep­ti­on of essence. And the desi­re, even the need, to activa­te one‘s own power and crea­ti­vi­ty. And the gro­wing cer­tain­ty that only on a path like this some­thing begins to shi­ne that can­not be extin­guis­hed any­mo­re, that car­ri­es you through cri­sis and can even brigh­ten up other people‘s lives.“



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