Ravena Wolf, fotografiert von Simone Wuchenauer©

Rave­na Wolf, pho­to­gra­phed by Simo­ne Wuchen­au­er©

In Ger­ma­ny, whe­re I live, I have been working in the media for over twen­ty years. I never got in touch with Sha­ma­nism, until my heart was bro­ken so bad­ly, I almost gave mys­elf up. When I first met my com­pa­n­ions from the other world, I was sca­red and ques­tio­ned my sani­ty. Howe­ver, as I see­med to have no choice other than to embark on this jour­ney, I deci­ded to do it who­lehe­ar­ted­ly. And the more I gave in to this new field of expe­ri­ence, the more it beca­me a source of strength to me. Today sha­ma­nism has beco­me an important part of my ever­y­day life, and I enjoy sharing tho­se won­ders.

All wri­tings, pain­tings and music on the­se pages are expres­si­ons of pure joy without artis­tic ambi­ti­on. The ide­as and fee­lings find the expres­si­on that is ade­qua­te for them, if I let them. The fol­lo­wing song about the four ele­ments also reflects this spi­rit.


hear: ‚Conue‘ from the CD ‚Medi­ta­ti­on der Lie­be‘, ch.falk-verlag, ISBN 3–89568-140–7


State­ment: Does it real­ly need a state­ment here, I ask mys­elf? Is this ‚sha­ma­nic‘? Is it ‚spi­ri­tu­al‘? Is the world out the­re despe­r­a­te­ly wai­ting for my com­ment on it? Surely not! But this urge to com­ment is part of me. And whoever found his or her way to this page, might want to take a clo­ser look at the aut­hor. When my spi­ri­tu­al com­pa­n­ions insisted I crea­te inde­pendent­ly and auto­no­mous­ly, I am sure they meant it in gene­ral, inclu­ding socie­ty.

Like so many others on their spi­ri­tu­al path, I ado­re quan­tum phy­sics. Not that I actual­ly under­stand any of it, but I sim­ply love their efforts of pro­ving that we are all one. The insight is beau­ti­ful, and actual­ly pro­ving it, is even more beau­ti­ful. And phy­si­cists enga­ged in such beau­ti­ful mat­ter can­not crea­te any other mischief. That alo­ne is beau­ti­ful. But is it real­ly essen­ti­al, to sci­en­ti­fi­cal­ly pro­ve that we are all one? Isn’t it much more important to find out about the con­se­quen­ces — for socie­ty and for each and every one of us? „We can­not sol­ve our pro­blems with the same thin­king we used when we crea­ted them” (Albert Ein­stein). My fixa­ti­on on the clas­si­cal sci­en­ces with their fixa­ti­on on pro­ving ever­y­thing sci­en­ti­fi­cal­ly in order to legi­ti­ma­te some­thing that is so obvious, makes me thought­ful. It might still be a sign of the old thin­king in me.

Inter­net, Part I: We do have fan­tastic tools today. It is up to us how we use them. I can throw my lap­top at you and suc­cess­ful­ly smash your head. Or I can use that lap­top to spread inspi­ring, new ide­as. The world wide web gives us a noti­on of how influ­en­ti­al we can be, every sin­gle one of us, and what crea­ti­ve power we pos­sess. Howe­ver, we tend to use this power like kids in the sand­box. Refle­xi­vely, we sign peti­ti­ons or join shit-storms, thus allo­wing others to mani­pu­la­te us and use us for their objec­tives, which might turn out to be less ‚objec­tive‘ than it seems. Befo­re we are even awa­re of our crea­ti­ve power, we are eager to give it away. Isn’t it about time to grow up, to quit the anony­mous mas­ses and stop soot­hing our con­sci­ence signing peti­ti­ons. Time to real­ly assu­me respon­si­bi­li­ty, pri­ma­ri­ly for our­sel­ves. And in doing so, sin­ce we are all one, we auto­ma­ti­cal­ly assu­me respon­si­bi­li­ty for the world around us.

Inter­net, Part II: „Whe­re is the Face­book-But­ton?” Right, it’s mis­sing. It was any­thing but an easy deci­si­on for me to reject what is con­s­i­de­red an abso­lu­te ‚must‘ among PR-peop­le: Joi­ning a soci­al net­work. Why then, do I reject? For two obvious rea­sons and a less obvious one: First: I don’t want my data to end up in anyone’s secret ser­vice archi­ves. Second: I don’t know if I have enough time to com­mit mys­elf to such an endea­vor. But most of all: I don’t feel com­for­ta­ble with a socie­ty whe­re com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on is redu­ced to asses­sing each other by thumb. I like, the­re­fo­re I am! I am lik­ed, the­re­fo­re I am good! And what if noo­ne likes me? Do I still exist? I sim­ply refu­se to assess my fel­low humans all the time. I still prac­tice not con­stant­ly asses­sing mys­elf. I’d much rather mar­vel at all the non­sen­se I do. To mar­vel is to open up. To assess ist to clo­se up. Assess­ment is the oppo­si­te of ama­ze­ment. The stan­ce of socie­ty today seems to be assess­ment. My stan­ce is ama­ze­ment. The­re­fo­re the ‚mis­sing link‘ to any soci­al net­work.

Now it’s out. Wait, there’s one more thing: The famous quo­te from Mahat­ma Gan­dhi: „You must be the chan­ge you want to see in the world.” There’s not­hing more to add.


Ravena Wolf, Medicine Wheel, acrylic on canvas

Rave­na Wolf, Medi­ci­ne Wheel, acrylic on can­vas


Ravena Wolf, Birch Trees, acrylic on canvas

Rave­na Wolf, Birch Trees, acrylic on can­vas

Anagram of the Moment

NOW is the moment to win.
Now‘ is the moment to win.

Now is the moment to see.
Now is the moment to be.
Now is the moment to burn.
Now is the moment to turn.

All in this moment is love.
All in this moment enough.
All in this moment is true.
All in this moment is you.

All in this moment is one.
All in this moment is WON.



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